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The average B2B purchase now requires 5.4 signatures

Have you identified all members of the buying group?

The B2B path to purchase is rarely linear, and rarely simple. It is important to reach early on, when buyers need you the most. Your marketing strategy should be designed to identify stakeholders early on, mobilize internal advocates and speed consensus among the buying group.

Abx platform

Create Account Funnel

Create a Account Funnel for each product or service offering that you have and assign target Account Group to the Funnel

Salebox Funnel

Define Buyer Personas

Use demographic attributes like Title Keywords, Department, Level to create upto 5 Buyer Personas that are part of the Buying Group like IT Decision Makers, IT Influencers, Sr. Management, Procurement etc.

SalesboxAI Abx platform

Identify Buyer Group Members

Buying group members matching persona definition are identified and added into the system. Each buying group member would have fields like First name, Last name, Job Title and Department. The business emails are discovered by the AI Assistant and validated prior to campaign launch. All buyer group data are revalidated on a regular basis.

SalesboxAI Abx platform

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