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Conversational ABM Platform for
Enterprise Teams

As per an ITSMA survey, 87% of B2B marketers reported that their ABM initiatives outperform their other marketing investments in terms of ROI. No wonder, Account Based Marketing is gaining ground for all the right reasons. It saves your reps from mulling over unqualified prospects, utilizes time and efficiency, and does the amazing job of aligning your marketing and sales teams together.

SalesboxAI’s AI powered Conversational ABM Platform is the All-In-One Suite you need to orchestrate engagement with the right accounts and buying groups - at scale.

SalesboxAI Conversational ABM Platform helps you:

  • Find your next customer
  • Launch and scale your multi-channel campaigns
  • Find accounts in market for your solution
  • Reactivate dormant accounts
  • Get your sales team to take action on sales alerts
  • Grow your revenue

Abx platform

See Which Accounts are in the Market for your Solution

It is estimated that the average B2B buyer is already 67% of the way into the purchasing journey before engaging with a sales person. Combining prospect signals with buyer Intent Data provides a clearer bird’s eye view to help leverage customer insights to the company’s advantage. This means prospects have an intention to buy a product or services and a sales rep has to focus on the remaining 33% to close the deal.

Further, understanding prospects’ behavior and triggers help businesses to understand what makes them buy and when. Marketing and sales teams can target a specific profile with this knowledge and take a personalized approach for them on demand to increase the likelihood of a purchase decision. Intent Data can also be used for future prospecting as they reveal certain patterns, helping you to boost the purchase decisions of your prospects on their buyer journey.

Leverage SalesboxAI to uncover anonymous and known buying signals through first, second and third party intent sources so you know which accounts are in-market for your solutions today.

Learn more about intent data
Contextual Ads

Map buying groups

Despite advancements in B2B marketing technologies, current marketing platforms are not adapted to the current trends as to how buyers actually buy. These marketing systems help marketers view leads as independent agents acting to solve isolated problems, whereas buyers are increasingly acting as complex buying entities – shifting from individuals to highly organized team evaluations. Depending on the complexity and criticality of your solution, the buying group may consist of 5 to 8 members and in many cases more influencers jump in with their opinion adding more layers to the buying process.

Too often, a lack of knowledge about a customer's buying group and the roles its members play is a significant blind spot for B2B suppliers. SalesboxAI is designed to address discovery of buying groups at your target accounts and orchestrate engagement with each member of the buying group. Each lead is scored individually with scoring aggregated for the buying group in totality.

Learn more about buying group discovery
Precise Targeting

Orchestrate Remarkable Buying Experiences

No matter how large or small, a buying group is made up of individuals who play four distinct roles: decision-makers, influencers, buyers and end users. These roles have different levels of influence on the final purchase decision, but they are all important stakeholders. Leverage the AI powered Conversational ABM Platform to seamlessly engage all these stakeholders from the buying group across target account list with the right message at the right time — across key channels and at scale.

Learn more about Conversational ABM Platform
SalesboxAI Abx platform

Say no to bad buyer experiences and yes to AI driven Conversational ABM platform

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